Contact the Board
*All are welcome to attend the board meetings. Our meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month in the High School Commons at 6:00 p.m. or as published on our facebook page.
If you have any questions regarding the Club Basketball, please feel free to contact any board member.
Board Officers
Joanna Lottig
Vice President
Katie Schwarz
Kate Hahn
Lacy Lucy
Board Members
Board Advisors
Viroqua Area Schools
High School Girls Basketball Head Coach
Terry Cina
Basketball Club Coaches Contact
Lil’ Hoopsters {Pre-K thru 2nd Grade – boys and girls}: Katie Schwarz, Joanna Lottig and Varsity Players
3rd Grade Girls: Jim Jarmen and Steve Campbell
3rd Grade Boys: TBD
4th Grade Girls: Anne Lovelace and Kate Hahn
4th Grade Boys: Tom Burkholder and Katie Schwarz
5th Grade Girls: Ashley Thompson and Tom Berger
5th Grade Boys: Jonah Lottig and Paul Skrede
6th Grade Girls: Katie Schwarz, Michael DiPadova and Todd Volden
6th Grade Boys: Jess Murdock
7th Grade Girls: Heather Chestelsen and Hallie Sherry
7th Grade Boys: Katie Schwarz, Jason Skoda and Tom Berger
8th Grade Girls: Katie Schwem & Katie Moilien
8th Grade Boys: Scott Benzing